Noble Newman choosing an industry

When you create a startup, it’s important to choose the best industry for your idea, and also make sure you have a feasible plan for your startup. Creating a successful startup is difficult; a new business is a lot of hard work and long hours. Choosing the correct industry is vital because if you aren’t happy in the field you’re trying to build your business in, it’ll be twice as hard to craft a successful company. It’s also important to choose an industry that has room for growth; you don’t want to start working in a dying industry and then realize that there’s no way your business can survive.

Love the industry

You need to identify an industry that you feel passionate about, because if you don’t really care about it, it’s unlikely your business will be very successful. Just because an industry has great growth opportunities and companies are successful in it, doesn’t mean you should pursue that industry if you aren’t passionate about it. Starting a company requires huge commitments of time and money, so if you aren’t working on something you love and that brings you happiness, you’ll feel hopeless when you try to overcome the rough patches in starting a business.


Pick a reliable model

When you first start out, don’t try to do something completely innovative. It’s fine to work off of tried and true methods that have been shown to make things run smoothly and easily, instead of trying to reinvent the wheel. Once you’ve established the company, you can try to experiment with new ideas and ways of running the business, but make sure you’re on a solid footing first, so you aren’t putting your business at unnecessary risk.


Look for trends

When picking what industry to go into, research trends in the various industries. While you should definitely not pick an industry based solely on whether or not it’s growing, choose a few that you would like to work in and are interesting and then see what the environment is like in each of those. If one has substantially more growth than another, go with that industry.


Identify your skillset

Learn what you’re best at in regards to business. If you’re really great at fundraising or organizing a team, focus your efforts on those areas and become even better doing them. Your specific skillset will be what pushes the business along, so it’s important you know your strengths, and also your weaknesses! Find employees or partners who have talents in the areas you lack, so you can create a well-balanced team.


Check out competition

Once you think you have an industry in mind, scope out your competition. Look what other companies you’d have to compete with and how large they are. If only one or two businesses have a monopoly in the industry you’re considering going into, maybe you should reconsider, because it’ll be especially difficult to get a leg up when you’re competing with huge companies that are entrenched as the top names in the industry. Also pay attention to how other businesses are run and what concepts are used and then evaluate whether or not those methods are successful.